Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More on Relationships...

If you look back over your life and consider people who have had the greatest impact on you, I bet it is safe to say they fall into two categories. Either they were involved in your life and invested in it or they were absent from it. Either type of relationship can profoundly influence us. My favorite chapter of the Purpose Driven Life is entitled, What Matters Most. On this day, the author is talking about relationships, and he keeps it pretty simple. He says, "Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is T-I-M-E."

Here are some questions to think about:

1. Our day-to-day lives have become packed with activities, deadlines and chores. What is one way we can schedule "face time" with those we love?

2. When we have been deeply hurt by someone, finding a way to heal sometimes seems almost impossible. If you have had a major hurt in your past, what could you do today to start the healing process for yourself? For the other person? For the relationship?

3. Small groups have become a big part of the lives of many East Bayou members. What do you get out of the experience of small group? Why do you think God says we should meet with fellow believers on a regular basis?