Here are some upcoming events you should know about. There are always lots of fantastic things going on at the Bayou!
1. January 30 - Women's Game Night. All women are invited to attend. 6:30 - 9:00pm. Invite the ladies in your group and bring a friend! Event is in the Bayou Beanery. Sponsored by Women's Ministry.
2. Marriage Seminar by Dudley Bienvenu - every Wednesday in February. 6:30 - 7:30 in the Bayou Cafe. Seating is limited. Call Melissa at 337-984-8291 and get signed up, There is no cost for the seminar.
3. Focus on Marriage simulcast - February 28, 8:30 - 3:00 in the Bayou Cafe. Cost is $80.00 per couple and $40.00 for single. Seating is limited! Call Melissa at 337-984-8291 and get signed up or sign up at the church Sunday.
4. Tuesday morning ladies bible study - all ladies invited. Times are 9:00 - 11:00 in the Ministry Center. Course fee is $30.00 and includes childcare. This semesters study is Beth Moore on Esther. The study begins February 3, 2009.
5. Men's Retreat - March 6-7 at Tall Timbers in Woodworth, LA. More information coming!