It's About Reaching Out
For many of us, Christmas is a time of great joy spent giving to and loving those around us. For many others, the season is full of sadness and pain as we try to reconcile the reality of our lives -- especially broken families and loneliness -- with what is supposed to be a time of celebration and joy. Where are all of these hurting people? They may be people we work with, live next door to, pass by in the mall while out shopping for presents, or they may be family members. For those who believe in Christ and want to serve him, Christmas is a wonderful time to share His love by reaching out to those we know are hurting this season and reconnecting with those who we have lost touch with. We can show the truth of our faith by reaching out to others and reaching out is yet another way we can get this Christmas right.
1. Has there ever been a time in your life when you have been lonely? What would you have liked someone to have done for you?
2. Is there anyone in your life who you need to re-connect with? From the Bible, what can we tell is God's opinion on healthy relationships?
3. The meaning of Christmas changes as we grow from children into adults. How do you see this Christmas compared to when you were young?
4. The meaning of Christmas changes even further as we grow from young believers into mature believers. In what ways can reaching out to others evidence of spiritual maturity?