Friday, November 14, 2008

Where do you find Sermon Based Curriculum?

The Sermon Based Curriculum can always be found on the blog or at the church at the Small Groups table in the church Foyer.
Remember, you will be using Sermon Based Curriculum for the rest of 2008 as we discussed in the training sessions. If you were using some other curriculum before we started the Purpose driven Life, then you can continue that until the end of 2008. We will do our best to write it and have it available to you every Wednesday before the Sunday message.
Beginning in 2009, we are all going to be doing one of these 6 things as our Small Group Curriculum choices; Sermon Based, Financial Peace University, Marriage, Parenting, Book of the Bible, our pick. I hope to have the first quarter ready soon so you can begin to pick what you will do in January.