Thursday, March 26, 2009

Encounters "Quench Your Thirst"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Greifshare Group

A new Griefshare group is beginning on Monday nights at 6:30. For more information, contact Gary Funderburk at or 337-984-8291.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Encounters "I Don't Know"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mark 10:17-22 "Being a Good Ole Boy"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to do right, except in letting yourself think that being a good ole boy or good ole girl will be the means of your salvation. In the Bible, Jesus encounters a good ole boy who claims to have followed every commandment of Moses since birth and wants to know what must be done to inherit eternal life. By his own claims if anyone deserved a gold star from God and had earned his way to salvation, it would have been this young man. Unfortunately, the young man goes away sad because Jesus tells him that salvation is not something we can earn but it is instead a gift from God when we choose to believe in Him. Beyond belief, salvation leads to the sacrifice of worldly treasure and pleasures for future riches in heaven. For those of us who wish to see the difference between just being good and being saved begins and ends with Jesus Christ.
1. What makes so many of us chase the idea of acting perfect instead of being perfected through Christ? How is the rich young ruler an example of this type of good ole boy thinking and living?
2. Jesus asked the rich young ruler to go and sell everything he had and give it to the poor which made the young man sad. What would you be sad to give up if it was requested of you? Why do you think that Jesus makes this request of him?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Men's Retreat

Hello everyone,
Here is an update on last weekends men's retreat. 184 men attended and 8 accepted Christ! WHat a great weekend!

Encounters "Being a Good Ole Boy"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Men's Retreat

Hey everyone,
We have 190 men signed up for this weekend! It is going to be a great weekend! It's not too late to come. Call the church office and speak to Andy or Jonathan if you would like to attend.
Please be in prayer for us this weekend also.

Encounter Eternity - 3/8/09

This week our topic is one that is not too popular…death. But, you know where death is concerned, the stats tell the story…one out of one dies. For each of us on this side of heaven it is the only way out unless Christ comes back. For most of us it’s not so much being dead that concerns us, but how death will happen and what happens after that. Thankfully God knew that we’d have questions about what comes after this life is done, and the bible is filled with answers to that all important question…

What’s next for me when I get to the end of this life?

Encounters "Encounter Eternity" - March 8, 2009